Wednesday 20 April 2016

Master and Commander

Q1: There are various different ways that the characters and events in this film fit the action adventure genre. The event taking place in the film is a battle situation. It's a battle between two ships set in the ocean. Battle situations are very common events in action and adventure movies because they add to the suspense and tension of the overall film. 

The characters in the film are sailors/naval officers. This fits the adventure genre because they were known for being explorers and adventurers. This fits the action genre because navy soldiers are often placed in tense situations and often have to fight in battles.

Q2: Many different movie making aspects are used to create effects that fit the action adventure genre.

Soundtrack: The soundtrack in this film contains sounds like explosions and gunfire. This fits the action adventure genre because films of this genre usually contain a battle situation. The musical score is also quite intense as this is a battle scene. They have scored the film in this way to make the audience excited and engaged with the action on screen.

Camerawork: An establishing shot is used to set the scene and show the audience where the battle is taking place. Lots of wide shots are used throughout the scene to capture the large scope of the battle between the two ships. They have used a shaky cam technique when there is an explosion to make the audience feel like they are a part of the action. The shaky cam helps to simulate an explosion for the audience watching the film. Close up shots are used when the main character, Jack Aubrey, is talking to his crew on the ship. They mainly focus on him to show his importance in the scene and the overall movie.

Editing: The editing is fast paced in this scene and it includes a lot of quick cuts. This is because its a battle scene and it has to be faced paced to keep the audience "on the edge of their seat" and excited. CGI has been used to enhance and improve the overall battle scene. For example, cannon balls and explosions were added in during post production to create the image of two ships battling each other.

Mise en scene: This film is a period piece so the costumes are old fashioned and historically accurate to the time it was set. The lighting is quite dark to create an intense and gloomy atmosphere for the battle. The scene is set in the middle of the ocean because the characters in the movie are sailors/pirates. Props such as ropes, sails and flags are used to make the ships look more authentic and historically accurate.

Q3: There are various different ways in which characters are presented in this extract of Master and Commander.

The captain of the ship, Jack Aubrey, is presented as an aged and rugged sailor who looks like he has been in many battles in his time. The various other crew members are presented in this way. They are also shown as stereotypical sailors. They wear rugged, tatty clothes and shout frequently throughout the scene. This film is a period piece so the characters are shown to be from the era that this film is set in (1700's-1800's). This adds to the overall authenticity of the film and helps to present the characters as 18th century sailors.

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